Dewitt Jones On-Demand Streaming Library (1-year up to 500 viewers)

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Program Information:

The Dewitt Jones On-Demand Streaming Library is a one-year, unlimited access subscription to all of Dewitt's films with full support materials.

SAVE OVER 60%! For years, companies, schools, government agencies, healthcare institutions, and nonprofits have been using Dewitt Jones' best-selling videos to inspire and improve engagement. These best-selling programs offer simple, yet powerful messages that encourage meaningful conversations, help us focus on the positive, and invite actual change.

Videos in the Celebrate! Online Library include (select title below to preview):


Plus 32 Short Videos! Star Thrower Shorts are Dewitt's best stories from his feature films. Most videos are less than 4 minutes and offer you a great way to launch any meeting, set the tone for the day, or reinforce ideas. 

 Click here to preview Star Thrower Shorts

Star Thrower Distribution Product

Industry Discounts: Star Thrower offers a 10% discount to the following industries: Education, Nonprofit, Government, and Consultants. To learn more click here.

Viewing Options: We offer several ways that you can show this program (DVD, USB & Stream). To learn about our licensing options click here.

 Any questions? email us or call 800-242-3220 

Dewitt Jones On-Demand Streaming Library