Program Information:
Paradigm Pioneers with Joel Barker. Pioneers don't discover new territory, but they are the first to explore it with open eyes, to see change and take advantage of it. Today, organizations cannot afford to wait until new territory is safely settled. It's the settlers who are truly at risk of holding on to past successes and missing key opportunities.
Paradigm Pioneers by Joel Barker, illustrates how courage, intuition, and commitment are the values that can transform an organization from a settler to a pioneer.
Paradigm Pioneers shows what it takes for people to explore and shape their own futures.
Key Concepts from Paradigm Pioneers with Joel Barker include:
- Characteristics of the Paradigm Pioneer
- Innovation vs. Pioneering
- The Role of the Paradigm Pioneer
- The Paradigm Curve
- Becoming a Paradigm Pioneer
Length: 38 Minutes
Includes: Leader's Guide, and a Transcript of the film » View Sample Materials
A Star Thrower Distribution Product
Industry Discounts: Star Thrower offers a 10% discount to the following industries: Education, Nonprofit, Government, and Consultants. To learn more click here.
Viewing Options: We offer several ways that you can show this program (DVD, USB & Stream). To learn about our licensing options click here.
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